
Configuration settings

To learn how to analyze programs with COASTAL, you should read the Usage page. As it explains, the convention is to create a file that instructs COASTAL how to analyze program The property file is then passed as a command-line argument to COASTAL.

However, COASTAL also reads properties from other locations. In all, it checks the following files in the following order:

  1. The file is loaded first (if it exists). This file is part of the resources distributed with the project. It allows the user to specify default values for properties so that they do not have to be repeated over and over in individual property files.

  2. Next, the ~/.coastal/ file is loaded (if it exists). The “~” refers to the user’s home directory. On Windows, this is TODO.

  3. Next, the properties files specified on the command-line are loaded.

  4. Lastly, any -set command-line options may add additional properties for the current run.

Settings in later files override settings in earlier files. Once all properties has been loaded, they are processed.


Many of the properties specify which information is logged. COASTAL uses Apache Log4j2 for logging, and the log4j2.xml file controls where (and which) logging information is stored. The default is to write an abbreviated log to the standard output, and to write a detailed log to the file /tmp/coastal.log. This should be changed on Windows (because the directory is invalid), and may be changed on Unix or OSX, if the user desired. To do so, the user can create a file ./WEB-INFO/log4j2.xml which will be loaded instead of the default file distributed with COASTAL.

Summary of properties

There are eight major categories of properties.

Setting Description Default Information about the system under test -
coastal.bounds... Bounds on symbolic variables -
coastal.settings... Configuration of COASTAL behaviour -
coastal.divers... Configure divers -
coastal.surfers... Configure surfers -
coastal.strategies... Strategies for generating new path conditions -
coastal.observers... Observers -
coastal.delegates... Delegated classes - Limit on number of runs executed 0
coastal.limit.time Limit on number of seconds allowed for runs 0
coastal.limit.path Limit on number of paths investigated 0
coastal.limit.conjuncts Limit on number of conjuncts investigated per path 0…

Setting Description Default Arguments passed when execution starts - Method to start execution - Classes to instrument - Additional jar files that contain classes - Class to execute - Methods that switch symbolic mode on -

List of class prefixes that will be instrumented. Multiple prefixes are separated with a semicolon (“;”). Any class whose full name starts with one or more prefixes, will be instrumented.

coastal.targets = examples.spf


Variable lower and upper bounds. For each symbolic variable name that appears in the triggers, a lower and upper bound can be specified. To specify a lower bound for variable “X”, write

coastal.bounds.X.min = 2

To specify an upper bound for variable “X”, write

coastal.bounds.X.max = 20

These two settings can be combined in one setting:

coastal.bounds.X = 2..20



Setting Description Default
coastal.settings.concrete-values Whether actual return values are used false
coastal.settings.constant-elimination Whether constant conjuncts are ignored true
coastal.settings.echo-output Whether program output is displayed false
coastal.settings.draw-final-tree Whether path tree is displayed at end of run false
coastal.settings.draw-paths Whether path trees are displayed in detailed log false
coastal.settings.solver Specify the constraint solver to use - Whether instrumented instructions are logged false
coastal.settings.trace-all Whether all instructions are tracked symbolically false
coastal.settings.value-factory Specify the value factory to use -
coastal.settings.write-classfile Where instrumented class files are written -




A boolean setting to control whether the output of the class under analysis is displayed (true) or suppressed (false). This is useful if the analysis does not behave as expected.

coastal.settings.echo-output = true

The default value is false. Values that count as true are: “true”, “yes”, “on”, and “1”. Case is ignored. All other values count as false.



A boolean setting to control whether the tree of explored paths is displayed after each path insertion. This is only output to the detailed log, but for large trees it is time consuming and slows down the exploration.

coastal.settings.draw-paths = true

The default value is false.




A fully-qualified name of a class that implements a strategy for generating new path conditions and therefore new inputs for the program-under-test.

This is an important property that is required for COASTAL to execute at all.

coastal.strategy =


The name of the main class to analyse. This class should have a main method with the signature “public static void main(String[] args)”. Omit the “.java” and “.class” extension.

coastal.main = examples.spf.BinTree2


The command-line arguments required to run the class under analysis.

coastal.args = 2 3


The list of methods that trigger (start) the symbolic analysis. Multiple methods are separated with a semicolon (“;”). Each entry in the list is the fully qualified name of a method with its parameters, but without its return type.

The parameters is given as a comma (“,”)-separated list of “name:type” and “type” entries. Each parameter with a name is treated symbolically when the method is invoked; parameters without a name remain concrete.

A trigger is only activated when the number of parameters and their types match; this caters for method overloading.

coastal.triggers = examples.simple.ArrayTestSimple.test(X: int, Y: int); \
	examples.simple.ArrayTestSimple.test2(X: int[])

The following types are supported:

  • int
  • int[]
  • String
  • String[]


List of delegated classes. Multiple delegates are separated with a semicolon (“;”). Each delegate is a pair: T:D, where both T and D are fully qualified class names. The former denotes a target that is delegated to the latter. Whenever a method T.M is invoked, the method D.M is executed on the symbolic state, if such a method exists.

coastal.delegates =



A boolean setting to control whether the actual values of uninstrumented methods are used (true) or whether symbolic return values are introduced (false).

coastal.concrete.values = true

The default value is true.


A boolean setting to control whether all code is symbolically executed. This is required for the proper analysis of classes with static and or global data.

coastal.trace.all = true

The default value is false.

An upper limit on the number of runs that are executed. A value of zero means that there is no limit. = 100


An upper limit on the number of seconds allowed for run execution. A value of zero means that there is no limit.

coastal.limit.time = 6000


An upper limit on the number of paths that are recorded. This is distinct from the number of runs, because one run may lead to several (infeasible) paths being generated. A value of zero means that there is no limit.

coastal.limit.path = 200

The default value is 0.


An upper limit on the number of conjuncts that are allowed per path. Once the limit has been reached, no further conjuncts are recorded and the symbolic execution of the program is stopped. A value of zero means that there is no limit.

coastal.limit.conjuncts = 50

The default value is 0.

The default value is false.


	greenProperties.setProperty("green.log.level", "ALL");
	greenProperties.setProperty("", "model");
	greenProperties.setProperty("green.service.model", "(modeller)");
	greenProperties.setProperty("green.service.model.bounder", "");
	greenProperties.setProperty("green.service.model.modeller", "");