
How COASTAL works

You only write code because you expect it to get executed. If you expect it to get executed, you ought to know that it works. The only way to know this is to test it.
Robert C Martin, The Clean Coder, 2011

Bob Martin’s argument for testing is compelling, but it raises an important question. How do we test code properly? It is not practical to try all possible input values, so how can we determine which input values to use, and when we can stop testing? One approach to these questions is to realize that we are not interested in testing a program for all possible inputs, but for all possible behaviours.

Dynamic symbolic execution

Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) approaches this problem by repeating the following steps:

  1. The software system under test (SUT) is executed with input values V1.

  2. While the SUT executes it is monitored to observe its behaviour.

  3. Using this information, new input values V2 that exercise a new behaviour, is calculated.

The “symbolic” in DSE refers to how the behaviour is recorded, and how this is used to calculate new input values. Specifically, every concrete action of the SUT, is mirrored by a corresponding symbolic action in the DSE engine. For example, suppose that the concrete variable a contains the concrete input value 5, and its mirrored countered part contains the symbolic value A. If a is incremented on the concrete side, it will contain the concrete value 6. This is just the normal behaviour of the SUT. On the symbolic side, however, a will be changed to contain the value A+1.

The mirrored symbolic state plays an important role when the SUT performs a control flow action. For example, every time a branch is taken on the concrete side, the symbolic branch condition is recorded. When the SUT terminates, the set of recorded conditions describes the execution path (= behaviour) of the SUT for the given input values. The conjunction of the set of conditions is known as the path condition (PC) of the execution.

Although DSE was proposed in the mid-1990s (and symbolic execution is even older, dating from the 1970s), it is only since the early 2000s that it has really become a feasible approach. This is due to advances in SMT (Satisfiability modulo theories). We are now able to pass complex PCs to an SMT solver and expect it to respond in a reasonable time. The SMT solver will determine whether or not a PC is satisfiable and, if so, can provide one or more examples of input values that satisfy it. Such an example of input values is commonly called a model.

Given a PC p1 ∧ p2 ∧ p3, the DSE engine will negate one or more of the conjuncts. For example, it may change the PC to p1 ∧ p2 ∧ ¬p3. If the new PC is satisfiable, the SMT solver will provide a model that, when passed to the SUT, will force it to exhibit the behaviour described by the modified PC.

By carefully managing the PCs, the DSE engine is able to explore the full behaviour of the SUT. Of course, there are some caveats. If a model for a PC is fed to the SUT, the resulting PC may be different from the original when the input values expose “new” behaviours. There are also boundary condition behaviour: the SUT may not terminate. Or, the number of behaviours may be prohibitively large, and the DSE engine must decide to ignore certain behaviours. Lastly, there is the issue of soundness: if a behaviour of the SUT is too complex (because it is “hidden” inside a native library), the PC may not accurately reflect the behaviour. This can lead to situations where the DSE engine reports that a set of input values lead to an error, whereas the SUT behaves correctly. Or conversely, the DSE reports that a set of input values elicit correct behaviour, but in reality the SUT fails for those inputs.

The DSE engine can easily generate a set of test inputs, but it is important to remember that it cannot produce a complete test suite unless it has access to some form of test oracle. The set of behaviours can also be used to perform other kinds of analyses, such as coverage analysis.


COASTAL is a DSE engine that uses the ASM Java bytecode manipulation library. This allows clients to launch, monitor, and control instance of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To investigate the SUT, a JVM instance is created and executed repeatedly. The very first run is unconstrained; subsequent runs are directed (by modifying method arguments on-the-fly) so that unexplored behaviours of the SUT are exercised.

From the SUT’s and JVM2’s perspective, everything proceeds as normal. The virtual machine notifies DEEPSEA of two kinds of events:

  • MethodEntryEvent is generated at every method invocation. If the method is a user-specified “interesting” method, symbolic mode is switched on and the system starts keeping track of the symbolic state of the target program. Additionally, for directed runs, DEEPSEA modifies the method’s concrete argument values on the JVM stack.

  • StepEvent} is generated just before every instruction is executed. In non-symbolic mode, these events are ignored, but in symbolic mode certain instructions are mirrored in the symbolic state.

For improved performance, event notification is limited to only those Java packages that the user is interested in.


Figure~\ref{fig:deepsea} illustrates this approach. DEEPSEA launches an initial, unconstrained run of the target program (1). Symbolic tracking is triggered by a \texttt{MethodEntryEvent} and subsequent \texttt{StepEvent}s cause updates to the symbolic state (2). The symbolic state records the symbolic value of all variables (including the execution stack contents and, potentially, the heap), and this information is used to build the path condition.

Once the run completes, the path condition is modified and a constraint solver—in this case the Green library~\cite{green}—computes a model for the constraint. A further run is launched (3) and at the point where the symbolic mode is switched on, the model values are injected into the JVM (4). Execution continues as before, tracking the symbolic state and computing a new path condition (5).

%(Note that the illustration is inaccurate: the JVM will follow exactly the %same path during the second run as in the first, up to the point where new %values are injected by the handler for the \texttt{MethodEntryEvent}.)

DEEPSEA would be more efficient if the entire state of the JVM is recorded at the point where the \texttt{MethodEntryEvent} switches on the symbolic mode, and restored from that point for subsequent runs. Unfortunately, this functionality is not available in the ``official’’ JVM. On the other hand, the current design makes use of a standard mechanism and is conceptually relatively simple compared to other approaches.