
Commit checklist

Before each commit, please follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that the commit covers only a single topic.
    Remember that the git philosophy is to commit early and often. The changes within one commit should be related: it is better to split a change into many small commits than to combine many changes within a single commit. Prefer small increments. For a large modification, plan ahead and branch-and-merge.

  2. Take special care if the commit includes non-source files.
    Double-check your work if, for example, you are deleting existing files or adding new files. Triple-check you work if, for example, you are making changes to .gitignore or modifying build.gradle.

  3. Update if the commit makes a noteworthy change.

  4. Update the documentation if necessary.

  5. Make sure that you have added units tests for checking your commit.
    If you do not know how or cannot do so for another reason, add a new issue to record that test cases are required. Not all changes require tests. For example, fixing a typo does not.

  6. Run the existing test suite.
    If there are failing tests, check your work and correct the commit or the tests. If this is not possible – if you do not know how to fix your commit or if you believe the failures are incorrect but you do not know how to change it – add a new issue to report the problem.

  7. Just before you commit, git pull to make sure that you are working from the latest version.